Thursday, April 7, 2011

Missing in Action

So you may have noticed a lack of posts on my behalf recently, Ive been extremely naughty and have fallen way WAY behind on my posts, I promise I have a good excuse though! I was off busy getting married last weekend- now I wish weddings only consumed the day you are wed, however- due to me being a terrible bride and leaving alot of things to the last minute- I was consumed by wedding stuff right up until I walked down the Isle, and if it wasnt from the support of some very close friends, and my crazy mother, there is no way I would be Mrs. Marjanovic today :) It was an amazing day (the best of my life) and after experiencing it- I have a WHOLE new respect for all of my brides, past- present and future! I am so excited to throw myself into work, and share with you all the work ive been doing over the past couple of months that has yet to be shared :) Watch this space !!  Also, below is just a couple of happy snaps taken by some of my friends at the wedding- cant wait to see what my photographer has to share with me!

About Me

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ERINA, nsw, Australia
Im Kendell, A lifestyle photographer based on the sunny Central Coast and director of Imagine Images. People love my work because it's modern and the sessions are fun, repetition bores me so I LOVE trying new things with my clients, the nuttier the better! I really don’t like over glamorized photography, I prefer to get to know and connect with my clients, if they feel comfortable-spontaneity and natural moments just happen, and that makes for amazing and memorable photos. This blog takes you behind the scenes, and you will get to know a little more about the friends and family of Imagine Images. I love sharing my work, I hope you enjoy it and much as much as I enjoy creating it!

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